I D E A T E  G O L F  

M E N T A L  C O A C H I N G  P R O G R A M


Goal Setting  


Pre-Shot Routine

Breath Control










Support Team



Post Round RevIew


-What was your score?

-What did you feel walking towards the 1st tee?

-Did your pre-shot routine vary at all throughout the round?  Where?

-Did you visualize any shots before hitting them? 

-Did any shots come off exactly as planned?  Where?

-What were your best shots of the day? Where?

-What did you feel and/or think before hitting those shots?

-Did you notice a higher heart rate at any time throughout your round?

-When were you most stressed throughout the day and/or round?

-When were you the most relaxed during the round?

-Did you experience the zone or flow state throughout the round?  How long did it last for?

-Did you catch yourself daydreaming at all?  (i.e.  Wow, look at those birds or wow, those are some tall trees, did you see that eagle?)

-Did you feel rushed or under pressure to play quickly?  Where?

-What did you feel walking off the 18th green?

-Write down any other comments to add about your round?


The Mental Scorecard Credit:  Dr. Michael Lardon

I have practiced using the mental scorecard over the past few months and love it. At a minimum try it out and use it at least once per month, it will be very beneficial to your game!